Notice I said "the way I approach eating", because you should be thinking about the food your putting into your body. It's a decision like any other, just more important, and it's not something people actively think about. Try it, make yourself think about what you're going to eat, what it contains, what effect it's going to have on your body and how you feel. If you can do this, it gets easier to make these changes.
- No more fast food. Seriously, none. It's really not that difficult to plan ahead. You know your schedule is crazy, so keep some food in the car so you're not a slave to hunger. Put a couple protein bars, some nuts or beef jerky in your car for a quick bite to eat when you're in a rush. You can get 400 calories dense with nutrients your body needs or 800 calories of empty fat and filler. You're call.
- Learn to love Fish. Even if you claim you hate the taste I can almost assure you there is a certain type of fish and way you can prepare it that you'll enjoy. Why am I so sure? Because I never liked fish either. First, I was able to eat haddock, then tilapia and code, now I'm eating salmon, flounder, I'll eat almost any kind of fish. Fish is low in calories but packed with protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which are the good fats. Just replacing red meat with fish once or twice a week will help you lost stomach fat and fat in general. Try your hardest to learn to love it. I'll provide some recipes in the future to help you.
- Vegetables. Ahh, where to begin here. We've always hated these, it's ingrained in us from childhood. Those gross, green, mushy, smelly, well you get the idea. Not really helping my cause here am I? Well, let me defend myself. If that description sounded right, then I'm sorry, but your Mom is a bad cook and she should feel bad for killing such a great food source for you. I jest about the bad cook part, but trust me, vegetables are delicious. And if you don't agree, you're not preparing them right. It's that simple. Making vegetables a center piece of a meal is a great diet change you can make to get rid of stomach fat. You'll eat less calories and less fat, two staples of any diet. If you have a tough time enjoying vegetables, try grilling some with your favorite grill spices. Start there and we'll go over some great recipes in future posts.
Those are three more basic and simple diet changes to get rid of stomach fat. These may seem like torture at first, but it's nothing compared to what you'll feel later in life if you don't make these changes now. I'm closer to 40 than 20 and I feel better now than I have in years, so trust me when I say it's worth it.
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