If you've read any of my previous posts then you probably understand that there are no exercises to lose stomach fat. Just so we're all clear, you cannot target fat loss in certain areas. It's just not how the human body works. You can however lose fat all over your body. Doesn't it sound like a better idea to lose a few inches everywhere anyway?
If you came to this post expecting to see a list of exercises to "lose stomach fat" like sit ups, crunches or leg lifts then you're not going to get the information you expected. What you will get is some idea to get healthier and lose fat in the process. Taking that kind of approach is the only tried and true method there is.
Before I make any recommendations, I need to remind everyone that I am not a doctor and my advice should be not taken as such. If you're starting a new workout regimen you should always consult your physician first.
So let's assume you're not an avid gym goer, but you're looking to lose weight. Where do you start?
Well, you should always start simple and easy. It's easy to underestimate the toll an activity like running or biking can take on your muscles and connective tissue. It is counter productive if you can only run 1 day a week because your in too much pain. The best starting point is a brisk walk.
The first step is to map out a route. The approach I like to take is to see how fast I can do a route. It makes it feel like a race against myself and I don't like to lose (or take a step backward in this case)!
Before starting your walk be sure to stretch and pay special attention to your legs. Once you feel nice and loose note the time or start your stopwatch. When you walk, it should be faster than your normal pace. It should feel like your pushing yourself. You want to walk for at least 20-30 minutes. If you start to finish your route quicker than that then expand it or take another lap. Whatever works for the area you're walking in.
Of course this is only the first step, but I bet you never thought anyone would tell you that walking was an exercise to lose stomach fat did you?
In future posts I'll cover more exercises to lose stomach fat and diet ideas to supplement the workout you're getting.
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