There is so much that these advertisements are sugar-coating or just plain not telling you that it should be criminal. Yeah, you can probably work out 20-30 minutes a day and end up with that kind of body. But you better be eating healthy too.
The truth is that there is no great mystery behind losing stomach fat. In fact, you can narrow the options down to two main ways to lost stomach fat:
2. Diet
That's it. It's so easy and straight forward that it sounds crazy, but it's true. If you exercise more and eat less you'll lose weight the healthy way, slowly and over time. Those crash diets do work and you will lose weight but unless you make a lifestyle change you won't keep it off. Worse, if you lose too much weight too quickly your body will have pounds, yes pounds, of saggy skin that was once filled up by fat. This is especially true about stomach fat.
So there it is, the great secret of losing stomach fat. Here's the "catch", if you can call it that, this will take effort and hard work. So, if your allergic to hard work like so many people I know, then by all means spend your hard earned money on the next big thing. You'll lose weight, then you'll gain it back and the cycle will repeat. That's no way to live. Wouldn't you rather make a permanent lifestyle change and be healthier and happier?
That was the choice I made 45 pounds ago and I'm still going strong. I promise it's not that difficult. What it takes is discipline, hard work and a desire to be a better you.
In the upcoming posts I'll go over ways to eat healthier and some simple workout ideas you can use to get rid of stomach fat.
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