Friday, May 18, 2012

How to Lose Lower Stomach Fat

I cringe whenever I hear any ask a question like "How can I lose lower stomach fat?". That question implies a misunderstanding of how the body stores and uses energy.

Wait. Energy? Who's talking about energy here?

Calories are energy. You can think of fat as stored energy. It is what your body burns when you force it to use more energy than you take in. At the most basic level, this idea controls weight loss and weight gain. But you can't tell the body which fat to use or where to get that from. It just burns fat. The converse is also true. You can't tell it where to store the fat, it just does and every one's body composition is different. Some may hold fat in their upper body, some in the their lower. Some may hold fat in there arms, some in their legs.

The hard truth is, this cannot be controlled. If someone tells you differently then they're either misinformed or worse dishonest. Most of the time these people will have an agenda, so run for the hills if you see anything that claims to tell you how to lose lower stomach fat.

So what can we do?

Once you understand that you cannot simply tell your body "I want to get rid of lower stomach fat" and have it so, you can start making real progress. If you've ever spent half hour doing 100's of crunches I'm sorry to say that you've wasted that half hour. All you body cared about during that time is that you're using more energy than normal, not that you were working the muscles around the stomach area so you must want to get rid of stomach fat.

Instead, use that half hour for a more intense workout. Something like a brisk walk or light job would be immensely better. Your body requires more energy to put and keep itself in motion than it does to just sit up and lay down repeatedly. Think about it for a second and it makes perfect sense.

The only real, long-term solution is to make a lifestyle change if you want to lose lower stomach fat. The idea each day is simple. Burn more calories than you take in. There are roughly 3500 calories in a pound, so you should aim to burn 500 more calories than you take in each day. You can do this with diet or exercise, it doesn't matter. I do both and you can too. Do so and I guarantee you'll be seeing your body change almost immediately.

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