Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Exercises to Lose Lower Stomach Fat

A common question asked by many people trying to lose weight is what exercises will burn fat from "insert body part here". As we age, fat tends to stick around in certain places. Stomach, hips, thighs, butt, arms etc. Since it deposits in certain areas it is widely believed that you can lose it in certain areas that you target.

So with this in mind you may go to the internet and google "exercises to lose lower stomach fat" or something similar. Inevitably you'll find tons of exercises that target the muscle in the lower stomach area and run off to do 100 crunches and 100 leg lifts. You'll do this for days, weeks or months and see no improvement. You'll get frustrated and quit. I know because I did this exact thing years ago.

I to once believed fallacies like fat turns into muscle and do sit-ups to get a flatter stomach. One quick note about that latter one, doing any stomach exercises will actually cause the muscles in that area to swell. This ends up making the stomach appear even bigger!

After years of looking for exercises to lose lower stomach fat or exercises to lose upper body fat and getting no results I got fed up. I decided I was going of find out what I was doing wrong. After months, yes months, of reading it all become clear. My approach was never going to work.

Instead of searching for exercises to lose stomach fat, I should have just been searching for exercise routines. The fact of the matter is that the stomach fat will start to come off as you lose fat in general. Targeted fat loss is one the most commonly perpetuated lies in the health and fitness realm. It's not possible and never will be unless the physiology of the human body changes.

So instead of killing yourself with 1000's of sit-ups, find an outdoor activity you enjoy that works for the climate in your area. Once you have something in mind, find someone else that enjoys it as much as you do and start doing it together. Say you really like biking, find a friend who does as well and meet up 3 or 4 times a week to go for an hour long bike ride. You'll be far more likely to continue exercising if you find something you enjoy and find someone to do it with.

Even if this is the only change you introduce you will start to see your body change. Your pants will get a little looser and you'll start having more energy. This feeling gets addictive, trust me.

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